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Together information network announced the results of its annual poll for 2010 for the selection of the best personalities and institutions for the year 2010 in addition to the countries that support the Palestinian people financially,And politically for the past year.The results were announced during a lavish ceremony held in Intercontinental Ventdq city of Jericho, the presence of many public figures, political, governmental and academic institutions and representatives of civil society, corporate and security chiefs who had gathered in the hall of the hotel. The celebration came to this year sponsored by the extent to which Internet services.The ceremony began Bmagnap Kafr Kassem presented by teams from the words of the Baath late great Palestinian poet Tawfiq Ziad and composed by Dr. Ghawi Ghawi amid impressive attendance, and continued to supply about 40 minutes.Then, Dr. Faisal Awartani member of the committee overseeing the methodology used in the survey and the development mechanism of action.And said Raed Othman results of the survey, explaining that the survey participated by 656 000 participants from 172 000 the source of email.Osman said, "The voting public participating in the poll, if elections were held presidential, legislative and municipal elections will be according to the poll in favor of Fatah, would win 44.5% and 44% and 42% respectively, while Hamas would take 23% in the elections."Then announced that "both decided to give awards of excellence this year, the first director Giuliano Khamis who was assassinated a few days ago in Jenin refugee camp, shot dead by unknown with the Excellence Award Second political and Minister for Women the former Secretary General of Hezbollah delegation recently Mrs. Zahira Kamal is the first woman to get this position in the party Palestinian. "
Then the results were announced after that and were as follows:1. Said Dr. Ali Khashan, the Minister of Justice that the foreign country most in support of the Palestinian people, Turkey has received the award on His Excellency the Ambassador of Turkey to the Palestinian Authority Shaker Ozcan Turunlar.2. Minister of Agriculture Dr. Ismail Deiq that foreign country the most financial support for the Palestinian people is the European Union has received the award Kristin Berger, the Commissioner-General of the European Union in Palestine.3. Minister of Awqaf Mahmoud Habash said the Arab state most political support for the Palestinian people are the Arab Republic of Egypt The award was received by HE Deputy Ambassador Egyptian Tarek Abdel-Hamid Hussein.4. Allu said Ziyad Hab al-Rih the President of the Preventive Security Service that the Arab state most financial support for the Palestinian people is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has received the media award Mervat Abu Saud, Saudi Arabia TV correspondent in Palestine.5. Said Ammar Aker, CEO of Telecom Group, Palestinian art personal favorite for the year 2010 is the cartoonist Abu nun and received the award himself.6. Minister of Culture announced Siham Barghouthi said personal favorite cultural for the year 2010 is the poet Samih Al-Qasim and his son received the award home.7. Announced the Minister of Women's Affairs Rabiha Diab that women's personal favorite for the year 2010 is the Ramallah governorate Leila Ghannam has received the award itself.8. Minister of Labor Dr. Ahmad Majdalani said Palestinian personal favorite for 2010 from within the year 48 is Sheikh Raed Salah, was received by the representative of Mr. Khalid Badarneh.9. Economy Minister Dr Hassan Abu Lebda, the economic profile for the year 2010 is a businessman Masri, was received by himself.10. Dr. Fathi Abu boiled Minister of Health said the Sports Personality of the Year 2010 is Major-General Jibril Rajoub has received the award himself.11. Said the deputy in the Legislative Council for the Popular Front Khaleda Jarrar said personal favorite party is the Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh has been received by himself.12. Dr. Diab Ayouch member of the committee overseeing the poll that the party had the most confidence for the year 2010 is the Fatah movement, has received a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Movement, Dr. Hassan Abu Lebda 0.13. Prisoner wife announced that Ahmed Saadat personal government is winning, Dr. Salam Fayyad, has received the award Advisor Dr. Jamal Zakut.14. With announced that Maj. Gen. Jibril Rajoub personal political winner for the year 2010 is the President Mahmoud Abbas.States that the Minister of Education, Mrs. El-Alami has delivered Award of Excellence for 2010 for artist Martyr Khamis, Juliano, who was assassinated a week ago, and the Director General Samer bathroom space Mix receipt of the award.The Dr. Najat Abu Bakr, a member of the Legislative Council of Fatah, the award for excellence second secretary-general Fida Zahira Kamal.It is said that the advisory body to explore the best figure of 2010 is composed of Dr. Diab Ayouch President of the University civil Palestine - Bethlehem, Ola Awad, chairman of the Central Bureau of Statistics Dr. Faisal Awartani CEO of "Alpha" information and or opinion polls. Jawad Saleh adviser, assistant chief of the Statistical Affairs in the Central, and Nasser Al-Lahham, editor of the agency "Together" newsletter, and Chancellor Karajeh Khalil Rifai, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice.

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