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Condemned the Department of Refugee Affairs of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the dangerous Israeli escalation and the horrible massacres which claimed the martyr, in which 14 within 24 hours, and wounding about 45 Palestinians, including women and children and the elderly.

She stressed that the Netanyahu government hit the wall all international norms and laws in the immoral war against Palestinian civilians, which requires the international community to get out of the silence and bear its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people.

Called d. Zakaria Agha, a member of the Executive Committee of PLO Chairman Department of Refugee Affairs in a press statement Friday, the international community to intervene rapidly to stop the massacres and atrocities committed by the Netanyahu government, also called the Arab system in the Security Council to convene an emergency session of the Security Council demand to stop the Israeli aggression and conviction, and the provision of international protection for our people.

He said: What goes on in Gaza is a war of genocide carried out by the Israeli occupying forces against civilian Palestinians, warning of new massacres big thing the Israeli government that did not move the international community and the Security Council deterring and stopping the aggression and the prosecution of the perpetrators and bring them to international justice.

He explained that the military escalation in the Gaza Strip is an extension of the Israeli aggression on the West Bank and Jerusalem through settlement and Althud and land confiscation, arrests and night raids to the homes of innocent civilians, which has become a fixed policy of the Government of the occupation against our people as a result of the absence of deterrent by the international, stressing that the threat of Israeli aggression to continue, will not frighten our people will not stop the legitimate struggle for freedom, independence and liberation from occupation.

He emphasized that the response to this aggression and counter Israeli plans racism and to provide the elements of resilience requires from all factions, without exception, retrenchment in the ditch of national unity and end the division to confront the Israeli aggression which still continues against our people, stressing that unity is the secret of our strength and it can achieve victory over the occupation who delights in shedding the blood of our children every day.

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