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Lofa - condemned the Palestinian powers and factions, on Friday, the ongoing Israeli aggression on our people in Gaza since Thursday, and resulted in the martyrdom of 11 citizens, and injuring about 45, and demanded the international community to provide immediate protection for our people defenseless.
Condemned the Fatah movement, the Israeli aggression against our people and our people in the Gaza Strip, and warned of the consequences of these attacks and serious repercussions in the explosion of the situation fully in the Israeli attempt to escape from the political benefits.
She said in a press statement issued by the Office of Culture and Information said that the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip not far from the daily attacks by the army of occupation in the West Bank by building settlements and land confiscation, house demolitions, arrests, and the attempts of the Organization to kill the idea of ​​establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with its capital East Jerusalem.
The movement that best answer to the Israeli aggression is the national unity and the withdrawal of all the excuses from the hand of Israel's onslaught on our national project under various pretexts, demanding the Hamas leadership to announce an immediate end to the state of division by accepting the initiative of President Mahmoud Abbas.
And carried the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in a press statement, the Israeli government fully responsible for the collapse of the truce, which jointly adopted by the Palestinian resistance factions, during the continuance of the aggression and the targeting of our people.
She stressed that the continuation of the occupation forces escalation and aggression on our people is a flagrant violation of international law and humanitarian, loaded with the Security Council fully responsible for the continuation of this barbaric aggression and crimes against our people as a result of the policy of double standards by dealing with Israel and the issues of the Arab region is encouraged by 'Israel' to continue its crimes and aggression and makes it acting as a state above the law.
And considered this Israeli escalation aims to block the efforts for the success of national reconciliation and end the division and restore national unity, confirming that Israel is the biggest beneficiary of the continued state of division.
In the meantime, the Popular Struggle Front called for the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people, and protect him from war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation.
She said in a press statement, that Israel exploited the preoccupation of the world in the number of revolutions of the peoples of the region, and has stepped up its military aggression on the Gaza Strip, targeting unarmed civilians and civilian installations.
And invited to begin a diplomatic campaign political abroad to expose the lies of the occupation, and the detection truth aggressive racist extremist, to the world and the world community, and demanded to cease the policy of double standards in dealing with Israel as a state above the law, and urged them to force Israel to stop its aggression on our people, and forcing the application conventions and international laws.
In the same vein, the People's Party condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, calling for international human rights organizations and expose the crimes of the occupation on the killing of unarmed civilians under international law.He said that what Israel is doing to deter crimes requires a legal and internationally, where Israel is using all the international taboo latest of which was bombed a house for people who are isolated and the death of a housewife and her daughter.

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