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" " ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Posted Date: Tuesday 03/29/2011 at 20:52 PM

Opening voice _ A member of the Central Committee of Fatah d. Nabil Shaath, the existence of efforts to be a response to the initiative of President Mahmoud Abbas is positive, but he also no evidence to reject the initiative.

He said. Shaath in an interview with a journalist, stuck to his initiative launched by the President during meetings of the Central Council two weeks ago to end the division, and that he did not arrive until the moment no response to his initiative.

On another subject, "said Dr.. Shaath: The request of President Mahmoud Abbas to return to the Constitution Drafting Committee to work and the achievement of the Palestinian constitution, evidence of the leadership's insistence that the Palestinian state on Palestinian land in the month of September next, to complement all the steps required Palestinians, including the completion of the constitution of this state.

He noted that the Codex Committee started work in 1999 to draft a constitution for Palestine, and stopped work in 2004, noting that the request to return to an emphasis on the drafting of the constitution Palestinian trust that the State list.
This came during his participation in a tour organized by the Palestine Investment Fund for a number of national figures, for the progress of work in the suburb of Reehan north of Ramallah.For its part, rejected the PLO factions in the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, justifications and excuses that may be invoked to delay or disrupt the visit, aimed at Hamas, which undermine the initiative of President Mahmoud Abbas to end the division and the Restoration of Unity and National Reconciliation.
This came during a meeting of five Palestinian factions in the headquarters of the Popular Struggle Front in Gaza City today, and factions are (Arab Liberation Front - and the party delegation - and the Palestinian Liberation Front - and the Palestinian Arab Front - in addition to the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front), discussed in which the latest developments and political developments and the internal situation in the Palestinian arena.
Also called on the factions in a press statement, to seize the opportunity to achieve national reconciliation through the creation of the atmosphere and intensify the work for the success of the initiative of President to visit Gaza and the coronation form a government of national unity is working to prepare for legislative and presidential elections and elections to the National Assembly.
And confirmed its principled position in support groups for youth mobility and warned of attempts to circumvent the objectives demand an end to division and Tjierh in favor of narrow partisan agendas and dumped factional slogans and banners at the expense of the flag of Palestine.
Factions, also condemned all forms of oppression and abuse practiced against the activists of youth movement in Gaza, and demanded the immediate release of detainees from the youth movement activists who were arrested because of their involvement in the activities of ending the division.

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