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Ringworm generic name for different types of skin diseases caused by fungi. The symptoms associated with itchy skin. Often what you see common types of ringworm on children. It begins with the form of the small red beans the size of a cleft, and then increase in size until, sometimes to the size of large coins. Then removed the inner part of the affected area and rash in the form of a red ring squamous. There may be one spot or several spots. The affects of this kind of ringworm of the body not covered by hair. Is an infectious disease, but usually treatment is easy if you use anti-fungal ointment prescription. The spots disappear, this type of ringworm without treatment after a few weeks may remain for several months. Might attack the ringworm of the body, people of all ages. The spots appear on the neck of the patient and his back and stomach.

And types of ringworm that affects the hands and feet are known, the most common, is that affect the skin between the toes. Usually called the name of the athlete's foot. It may not offend, but may sometimes followed by vesicles cause rashes of pimples on the hands and feet. There was also a kind of ringworm on the body parts that grow the hair.

And children are especially vulnerable to herpes ringworm affecting the scalp, and may take them from other children or dogs or cats. Can be severe epidemics of scalp ringworm in schools. If ringworm appeared in one of the families should be on every person that uses your comb and other personal items, because the disease is highly infectious.

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